Welcome. So glad you're here
Yoga + Sound Classes in Tomahawk
+ St Clair, Dunedin
Breathe. Listen. Change.
Welcome. So glad you're here

Yoga + Sound Classes in Tomahawk + St Clair, Dunedin

Breathe. Listen. Change.


Find Stillness Amidst The Chaos


Find Stillness Amidst

The Chaos

Yoga does not just change the way we see things,
it transforms the person who sees.
B.K.S Iyengar

Something For Every Body

Yog Life is a space to explore the human body and spirit and practise yoga in a supportive, fun and inspiring environment.


Welcome to Yog Life! We offer a range of classes to cater to every individual's unique journey towards health and mindfulness. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a complete beginner, our classes are designed to meet your ability. From the tenacity of Classical Hatha and the dynamic flow of Vinyasa to the deep relaxation of Yin, there will be a class that resonates with you. Discover a class for where you are at on your journey and explore the transformative power of yoga.


Experience a new dimension of inner harmony with Sweet Sound Sessions. In these unique sound journeys, you'll go on a soul-soothing journey guided by the sweet sounds of crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, chimes, and more. As you relax into the healing vibrations, you'll find a profound sense of calm and release, allowing your mind to unwind and your body to rejuvenate. You will be lead on a journey of self-discovery, helping you to connect with your inner self and leave behind the stresses of everyday life. Book into a Sweet Sound Session and let the power of sound and mindfulness guide you towards peace and renewal.

Jenna's deep wealth of knowledge is evident in the way she adapts the poses and class to peoples individual requirements. Jenna is sensitive to the balance of strength and flexibility required for strong yoga practice, and her personality, humour and natural approach to the classes breaks down barriers and makes yoga accessible to everyone. The classes always challenge me, push me to my edge but leave me with a sense of calm and wanting to come back for more.

Jo B

Jenna's deep wealth of knowledge is evident in the way she adapts the poses and class to peoples individual requirements. Jenna is sensitive to the balance of strength and flexibility required for strong yoga practice, and her personality, humour and natural approach to the classes breaks down barriers and makes yoga accessible to everyone. The classes always challenge me, push me to my edge but leave me with a sense of calm and wanting to come back for more.

Jo B