All humans. All bodies. All abilities.

Yog Life is built on a sense of community with people who have found an appreciation for becoming present to themselves

All humans. All bodies. All abilities.

Yog Life is built on a sense of community with people who have found an appreciation for becoming present to themselves

Choose Your Class

Together we breathe, move, connect and leave feeling awesome.

Flow Yoga
Dynamic & energising

Flow Yoga, often referred to as Vinyasa or Flow Vinyasa Yoga, is a dynamic and invigorating style of yoga that links breath with movement. In a Flow Yoga class, we move through a series of poses in a fluid, continuous sequence creating a rhythmic flow that builds strength, flexibility, and mindfulness. The emphasis on breath as a guide means that each movement is synchronised with either an inhalation or exhalation, fostering a deep connection between body and breath. This practice encourages both physical and mental agility, as it challenges you to stay present in the moment while flowing through a creative and often physically demanding sequence. Flow Yoga welcomes various levels, making it accessible to beginners and challenging for experienced yogis.

Men's Yoga
Strength of body & mind

Experience the transformative power of Classical Hatha Yoga tailored specifically for men at Yog Life. The Men's Yoga class blends the ancient wisdom of Hatha Yoga with modern fitness principles to promote flexibility, strength, and endurance. Through a series of postures and controlled breathing, you'll develop a robust foundation while enhancing strength of body and mind. Whether you're an active person looking to improve performance or simply seeking balance in your life, our Men's Yoga class offers a welcoming space for all levels of experience.
Get onto the mat and discover how this practice can empower you to achieve physical and mental harmony.

Yin Yoga
Slow down & tune in

Yin Yoga is a slow-paced and contemplative style of yoga that focuses on deep stretching and prolonged holds of poses. Unlike more dynamic yoga styles, Yin Yoga encourages you to relax into postures for an extended duration, typically ranging from 3 to 5 minutes or even longer. This practice targets the body's connective tissues, such as ligaments, fascia, and tendons, promoting flexibility, joint mobility, and a deep sense of relaxation. Yin Yoga is not only a physical practice but also a meditative one, allowing individuals to explore stillness, mindfulness, and self-awareness. It's a wonderful complement to more active yoga styles and provides a valuable opportunity for both physical and mental release and rejuvenation. BOOKING ESSENTIAL

Sweet Sound Sessions
Find a deeper sense of peace

Sound healing is a therapeutic practice that utilises the power of sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It draws upon the ancient wisdom of various cultures, including Tibetan, Indian, and Indigenous traditions, to harness the healing properties of sound. During a sound session, a variety of instruments are used such as Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, chimes, and more to create harmonious and resonant tones. These vibrations are believed to interact with the body's energy centres, or chakras, helping to release blockages, reduce stress, and induce a deep state of relaxation.
Sound healing is often used as a complementary therapy for conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain, providing a soothing and meditative experience that can restore balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. BOOKING ESSENTIAL
5.15pm - Men's Yoga
7.15pm - Yin Yoga

5.45pm - Flow Yoga

9.45am - Yin Yoga

5.00pm - Flow Yoga (Zoom)
6.25pm - Yin Yoga

Sweet Sound Sessions:
Subject to change


I’ve been to a few of Jenna’s sound journeys and have thoroughly enjoyed them. I first went in not knowing what to expect but now find them so relaxing, I always come away feeling a lightness in my body and mind. Jenna’s passion for these journeys is evident and the chai afterwards is a sweet touch.

Tess P

I’ve been to a few of Jenna’s sound journeys and have thoroughly enjoyed them. I first went in not knowing what to expect but now find them so relaxing, I always come away feeling a lightness in my body and mind. Jenna’s passion for these journeys is evident and the chai afterwards is a sweet touch.

Tess P

Yoga is the journey of the self,

through the self, to the self.

Bhagavad Gita